With over 45 years in the Central Ohio area
"Experience Makes A Difference"
With over 45 years in the Central Ohio area
"We Know The Real Estate Market"
We are about making our website experience better and helping people find relevant real estate related information. This is the stuff we have been providing on our website for nearly 20 years. We use Google Analytics to help improve the content we are delivering and in helping people find the real estate content for which they are looking.
The Google Analytics Advertising Features we’ve implemented
1. We use Google Analytics: This allows us to count how many people visit our website and gather other non-personal statistics such as:
2. We use Google Adwords: The puts a link to our website at the top or to the right margin of Google Search results based on the words used in the search. This way people looking for homes to buy and sell in the central Ohio area can more easily find our site with high quality content.
3. We plan to use Google’s Remarketing: Based on actions you have taken on our website, we can display links back to our website when you are on other websites. For example:
How you and third-party vendors use first-party cookies (such as the Google Analytics cookie) or other first-party identifiers, and third-party cookies (such as Google advertising cookies) or other third-party identifiers together.
How visitors can opt-out of the Google Analytics Advertising Features you use, including through Ads Settings, Ad Settings for mobile apps, or any other available means (for example, the NAI's consumer opt-out).
Realty Resource Radio is where we:
It pays to work with an experienced Realtor. If your Realtor let you sell a house after you lived there less than two years, I hope they brought capital gains to your attention. Otherwise, you could be paying tax* on $10,000 or more easily, and it could have been avoided.
If you are making money when you sell your principal residence, do not sell before 2 years if you can avoid it.
*Always consult a tax professional regarding your specific situation.
Greg provides insight and experiences regarding the central Ohio real estate market on The Joel Riley Show, News Radio 610 WTVN
Listen to the MP3.